Cosmetic Treatments:
Cheek & Midface

Having fuller cheeks, a strong jawline, and plump skin are often coveted features that many strive for to achieve their ideal image. Cheek and midface fillers can help create more defined cheekbones, restore volume loss in the face and under eye area, sharpen your jawline, and smooth out fine lines and wrinkles. 


Millions of men and women each year choose facial filler treatments to rejuvenate their skin, correct fine lines and wrinkles, and restore volume loss that occurs naturally with age. If you are looking to correct any of the following concerns, facial fillers may be a good option for you:

Volume loss in cheeks and midface


Fine lines and wrinkles


Sagging skin on the face and jawline


Hollow under eyes


Weak cheekbones

Treatment Options

It Aesthetix offers a variety of treatment options to deliver the safest and highest-quality results for all of our patients. 
Juvederm Volbella

Juvederm® VOLBELLA®

VOLBELLA® is an injectable made with hyaluronic acid, usually used in the mid-face. It helps moisturize and soften the skin and fill out sunken cheeks, giving your face a fuller, younger look for up to 2 years.


Juvederm® is a popular choice for the cheeks and midface because it adds both volume and hydration to the skin, delivering a radiant and healthy glow.  Juvederm® is composed of hyaluronic acid, which occurs naturally in our bodies, and feels comfortable enough to maintain natural facial movements. 
radiesse 2


Radiesse® is a filler that provides a similar anti-aging effect as Juvederm®, diminishing fine lines, adding volume to the cheeks, and contouring the chin and jaw. This injectable anti-aging treatment is made of calcium hydroxylapatite in a water-based gel, offering long-lasting results and flexibility. 

Are Cheek and Midface Fillers Right for Me?

Cheek and midface fillers can work wonders for balancing out the face and remedying a variety of skin concerns. However, it is important to make sure you are getting the right filler type to avoid “apple cheeks” that can often look unnatural and restrict necessary facial movements.

Consult with a qualified healthcare provider, like the physician assistants at It Aesthetix, to determine the most appropriate treatment plan for you. During a consultation, we will assess your skin and discuss your goals and any concerns you may have. We will then recommend the most suitable treatment options based on your individual needs and expectations.

Beauty Benefits of Cheek and Midface Fillers

Cheek and midface fillers can help deliver a more youthful appearance without drastically altering the structure of your face. When done by an experienced medical professional, cheek and midface fillers balance out your face, define your bone structure, and restore volume in key areas. Most fillers can last anywhere from 6 months to 2 years. Treatment sessions typically can be completed in under an hour with immediate results after, providing a quick fix to common skin concerns. 

Locations Near Me

If you’re seeking high-quality aesthetic treatments and the best level of care possible, you are in the right place. Find a treatment location near you and schedule a consultation today. 


Are facial fillers safe?
Under the care and supervision of our highly trained Physician Assistants, facial fillers are a very safe and reliable solution for restoring volume in the cheeks and balancing out the face.
How much treatment will I need?
Most filler treatments can be completed in one session and recovery times will vary depending on the procedure and the size of the treatment area. 
Will results look natural?
Facial fillers provide long-lasting, natural-looking results without the need for surgery or more invasive corrective procedures. 
Do facial filler treatments hurt?
Topical numbing creams are typically used on the injection area to reduce any pain or discomfort during the procedure. A slight pinching sensation is common but generally creates mild discomfort.