Erase the Frown with a Proven Approach to Treating Frown Lines and Eyebrow Wrinkles

Frown lines got you looking down? Don't worry, getting a smooth, wrinkle-free forehead is easier than ever with Botox. These injectables are like magic wands for erasing pesky creases. With results lasting months at a time and virtually no downtime, you can look refreshed and radiant in no time. Explore the benefits of Botox for revealing a beautifully smooth, confidence-boosting new look. 

What Causes Frown Lines? 

Frown lines, those vertical wrinkles that form between your eyebrows, are totally normal but can deepen over time. When you make facial expressions, the muscles under your skin contract. Squinting, concentrating, or frowning causes the muscles between your eyebrows (called the glabellar complex) to tighten. As this happens over and over, folds in the skin begin to set in place. By your 30s or 40s, they can become permanent creases known as dynamic wrinkles or frown lines. Other factors like sun exposure and smoking can worsen these facial creases too. While part of the natural aging process, treatments like Botox or laser resurfacing can soften the appearance of frown lines. If you feel bothered by deepening lines between your brows, there are options available to smooth everything out! 

Does Frowning Cause Wrinkles? 

Frowning and repeated facial expressions like raising and scrunching your eyebrows can contribute to frown lines over time by creasing the skin. However, other lifestyle factors can worsen these wrinkles as well. Sun exposure, smoking, and dehydration take a toll on our skin’s elasticity. As we naturally age, skin loses its ability to bounce back too. Frown lines etched between the brows may start as dynamic wrinkles, only visible when scrunching the glabellar complex. But eventually, they transition into permanently set creases on the face. For those bothered by deepening frown lines with age, injectables like Botox remain go-to treatments. These can target the muscle activity itself or replace lost volume in the skin to smooth out wrinkles. Lifestyle changes can help slow their progression as well. 

How Does Botox Get Rid of Frown Lines?

A wide range of minimally invasive treatments are available now to soften the appearance of frown lines. Botox remains one of the most popular options and aims to freeze muscles causing creases or replace lost facial volume. When effectively administered, these injections smooth over etched lines and crevices on the face for up to several months.

Botulinum Toxin Injections 

Botox, one of the most popular wrinkle relaxers, blocks nerve signals to the corrugator muscles between the brows. This restricts muscle movement to prevent the recurrence of frown lines after each treatment. Though results vary based on individual anatomy, most patients see frown line improvement within a week of injections. Effects typically last 3-4 months before a maintenance appointment needs scheduling. Some experience minor side effects like headache or bruising, which subside within days. When properly injected, Botox can smoothly iron out frown wrinkles time and time again.

Get Rid of Frown Lines with It Aesthetix Injectables in New Jersey & Pennsylvania

For over 15 years, It Aesthetix has perfected the art of crease-free foreheads right in our New Jersey and Pennsylvania med spas. Our experienced team of aesthetic physician assistants takes the time to evaluate your unique facial anatomy to create a personalized frown line plan that flatters YOUR features. Schedule a consultation today and say goodbye to forehead worry wrinkles for good.